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Genevieve Siegel, CMT HHP

Genevieve Siegel is a Certified Massage Therapist, Holistic Health Expert, Holistic Fertility Empowerment Expert, Certified Practitioner in the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, Certified Abdominal Therapy Teacher and a Certified Community Educator.

Genevieve is a first-generation Dutch-Indonesian born in the U.S. and second-generation body-worker. A graduate of the School of Healing Arts in Pacific Beach, Genevieve has more than 1000 class hours in holistic health and is a nationally certified massage practitioner. Genevieve thoroughly enjoys facilitating the healing of others and believes in the importance of balancing the mind, body and spirit.

Genevieve’s journey to becoming a massage practitioner began in 1996 when she was diagnosed with endometriosis and had a large cyst on her right ovary. After laparoscopy and years of taking a variety of hormones, from the pill to Lupron Depot, then Clomid to try to conceive, nothing was working. The side-effects of so many medications had become debilitating. Frustrated with the whole process, Genevieve stopped taking all medications. Just when she thought life would be back on track, she started contending with severe panic attacks.


After being prescribed and reluctantly taking various medications, this time for anxiety, once again, Genevieve decided to make a life change. Taking a break from her 13-year career in the corporate accounting industry, she began taking massage classes. While seeking her own healing, Genevieve found her new passion and a new profession!


After psychotherapy, massage, spiritual practices, bioenergetics counseling, acupuncture, and a complete change in her diet, Genevieve was panic attack free, medication free and anxiety/depression free, with no noticeable signs of cysts. However, still painful menses and severe PMS persisted and fertility issues were a concern.  She soon discovered that Arvigo Technique of Maya Abdominal Therapy® (ATMAT) was the piece that was missing in her healing. Genevieve began taking Personal Care and Professional Training courses where she experienced huge emotional releases, spiritual transformations and physical healing.


Genevieve trained directly under Dr. Rosita Arvigo in 2005, and was one of the first ATMAT apprentices in southern California. In 2006, after performing 50 case studies, she again trained with Rosita and was certified by her as an Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® Practitioner. She also studied under Rosita in Belize, where she learned Spiritual Healing techniques.

In 2009 Genevieve became one of the first Certified Community Educators for the Arvigo Institute, and taught an introductory course called Hands-on Health the Maya Way. She has been practicing and facilitating holistic healing for since 2003, and has specialized in Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® since 2005,.

Genevieve specializes in women’s health and well-being during all phases of a woman’s life. Approximately two-thirds of her clientele are for pre-conception (fertility) through post-partum care, while the remainder are women who come in for various other holistic health reasons. Occasionally male clients also come to see her, and she has assisted them with various digestive and abdominal issues as well.


Through her own life experiences, Genevieve has realized that women can benefit from a holistic approach to health and well-being. Over the years, she has helped many women with various health issues, from painful menses to menopausal issues, pre-conception fertility issues through post-partum recovery, or any hormonal imbalances, as well as digestion issues. Genevieve has also helped women with symptoms which may be caused by a prolapsed or tipped uterus, such as frequent urination, chronic constipation, low libido, or painful intercourse. She has also helped clients who are feeling emotionally stuck or just “feeling off” or “completely stressed-out.”


In 2013, Genevieve realized that she was very good helping people transform mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  However, she started to notice that if a client had deep- seated traumas, fears, or beliefs that he or she felt stuck in, the client's healing and transformations sometimes took longer.  So, she started studying Neuro-Linguistics Programming.  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) looks at the way in which we think, store and process our thoughts (Neuro), the language patterns we use (Linguistic) and our behaviors (Programming) and how these interact to have a positive (or negative) effect on us as individuals. After being becoming a Certified NLP Practitioner she spent a year honing this technique and helping people heal much deeper and more quickly.  Then she started incorporating it into her practice, and saw some incredible results.  After just after one session of NLP with hypnotherapy, some people healed from traumatic experiences that had happened 40 years before but were still affecting them today.


Genevieve is passionate about passing on the knowledge and traditions of this beautiful, sacred and powerful work. That’s why, in 2016, Genevieve became a Certified Arvigo® Self Care Teacher. She feels so blessed that she gets to not only disseminate this traditional healing modality, but also that she is able to help her students learn how to deepen their connection with Self.

Genevieve thoroughly enjoys facilitating the growth and healing of others, and believes in the holistic approach to healing. She treats each client as a whole person by addressing their mind, body, spirit and emotions, and she treats all of her clients with the utmost care.

Genevieve is the owner of Gen-Touch Massage and Holistic Therapy, and is one of San Diego’s leading experts in Women’s Health and Fertility Issues.

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Gen-Touch Massage and Holistic Therapy

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Available 10AM - 7PM

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

Gen-Touch Massage & Holistic Therapy™

7484 University Ave.

Suite #230

La Mesa, CA 91942

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Thursdays, Only

The Wellness Collective

191 Calle Magdalena

Suite 295

Encinitas, CA 92024'

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Come all the way back of the parking lot to a 2 story building and park underneath the structure.

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